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Miles Molerio talks about how the current COVID-19 pandemic is affecting him. He talks about leaving college early, having to stay with a friend’s family for 5 months, how the virus is affecting him and other members of the Transgender community, and…

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Mitch Hemphill talks about the early days of the AIDS epidemic in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania. He focuses on working in the local bar; the rise of the Fighting AIDS Continuously Together (FACT) organization; and creating and running his…

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Nadine Anderson recounts her time as an LGBT individual in church, her career in psychology, and how the fields have developed over the years.

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Nan Kozul talks about the early days of the AIDS epidemic in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania. She focuses on working in several local LGBT bars, including Candida's; her work in healthcare; AIDS discrimination; the formation of Fighting AIDS…

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Nan Kozul talks about the early days of the AIDS epidemic in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania. She focuses on working in several local LGBT bars, including Candida's; her work in healthcare; AIDS discrimination; the formation of Fighting AIDS…

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Patricia Sullivan talks about her life growing up in Florida, her journey to creating crucial LGBT organizations, and it's impact on the LGBT community.

Ricardo Almodovar describes his early life, activist work, the creation of Amor y Rabia, and his multitude of passions.

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In this interview, Almodovar and Bradbury talk about how people's lives have been impacted under the pandemic, and how LGBTQ+ people fit in a pandemic. They talk about the problems in Allentown and Lancaster while even mentioning their own families.…

Rick Balmer recalls his life as a gay man in the Lehigh Valley, and the process of “coming out”, as well as his work with Lehigh Homophile Organization (Le-Hi-Ho) and its legacy on the LGBTQ+ community.

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Roberta and Harold Krieder discuss their activism and work as allies to LGBTQ+ communities. They describe how the death of Roberta’s beloved brother due to HIV started them on the path toward advocacy for LGBTQ+ people. They go on to discuss their…
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