Browse Items (64 total)

Corinne Goodwin describes her childhood in Yonkers, Long Island, White Plains, NY, and Glen Falls; she focuses on her experiences as a transgender girl and the transphobia within her family. For example, she shares how her mother responded when she…

Sandy Mesics describes her childhood, growing up in Bethlehem, PA; her reflections on Bethlehem Steel, including her father’s employment with the company and working-class steel communities; and her experiences as young transwoman trying to find…

Sandy Fluck recalls her childhood in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, work in higher education, connection to A Chorus Celebrating Women (ACCO), and relationship with her partner of over 30 years.

Ricardo Almodovar describes his early life, activist work, the creation of Amor y Rabia, and his multitude of passions.
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